Learn more about what we do

Ethical Care 

Best Friends Sanctuary is a NO-Kill shelter. It is our policy that we will:
The only reason we may consider euthanizing an animal would be if the animal had life-threatening injuries and/or a fatal illness from which it will not recover and it is suffering.

Rules of Operation
Due to the huge number of unwanted dogs in Fentress County, we only assist and accept unwanted and homeless Fentress County dogs into our shelter.
We do not go outside of Fentress County to obtain dogs.
We do not accept dogs from other counties.
We do not sell dogs – ever!
We do not roam the area looking for dogs to grab and take to the shelter - ever!

Are you thinking about Adopting?

Check out our blog to learn some tips about adopting a new family member!

Does your Dog need Medical Attention?

While they cannot communicate verbally, dogs are expressive creatures and are good at letting humans know when something is wrong. Even if your dog is not actively seeking your attention, his behavior is a great way to tell if he needs veterinary care. Here are a few common signs of physical distress in a dog:
• Excessive panting or drooling
• Lethargy (no energy, laying around a lot, doesn’t want to play)
• Lack of interest in food / water
• Rapid weight loss or weight gain
• Loss of fur and/or the appearance of sores on the dog’s body
• Excessive scratching or obsessive self-grooming
• Limping or wincing
• Unusual signs of aggression or aggravation upon physical contact
• Cloudiness in the eyes/loss of eye-sight or hearing
• Any other changes in behavior from what is normal for your dog
If you notice any of these signs in your dog, seek veterinary care immediately.

Fleas and Ticks: More than Just an Annoyance
You can imagine how annoying fleas and ticks must be to your dog, but did you know the treatment of fleas and ticks is good for your dog’s health? Flea or tick infestations can cause significant harm to your dog in the form of skin rashes, open sores, lime disease, and other parasites. Keep your dog and your house free of fleas with flea and tick medication for your dog as well as the practical use of flea powder in your dog’s bed, crate, house, and other areas where he spends lots of time.

Dental Care for Dogs
Doggie dental care has become more popular as pet owners strive to keep their dogs in top shape. Canine dental care helps to keep dogs’ breath fresh and prevents gum loss and tooth decay, just as in humans.

How to Keep Your Dog’s Teeth Clean
Here are some tips on how to provide good dental hygiene for your dog:
• Provide dental chews. Doggie dental chews should be given sparingly in accordance to the label.
• Consider brushing your dog’s teeth periodically to remove plaque build-up around the gum line. You can find pet toothbrushes at most pet supply stores.
• Don’t feed your dog human food.

Shelter For Dogs

Help your dog feel comfortable in his outside area and keep him protected from the weather by providing some type of shelter. Ideally, allow your dog access to a shady area to protect him from the heat and prevent sunburn and sturdy shelter to protect him from wind, rain, and snow. A good sturdy dog house should provide what your dog needs and will give him a place of his own while enjoying the outdoors.

Where to Put a Dog House
A dog house should be placed in a shady area of your yard. The heat from the sun can cause extreme temperatures inside a dog house, especially if the dog house is made of plastic. Observe your dog. If he isn’t spending much time in his own dog house, there may be an issue with the house itself or with its location.

How to Keep Your Dog Cool in the Summer
If you live in a place with hot summers, you must be careful about keeping your dog cool. Dogs are susceptible to heatstroke, just like humans. Here are some tips on how to keep your dog cool in the summer:
• Never leave your dog in a parked car.
• Provide a constant supply of cool, fresh drinking water.
• Let your dog play in a baby pool or take him swimming
 • Make sure there is plenty of shade in and around your dog’s outside area.
• Limit exercising your dog during the hottest parts of the day. Go on walks during the early morning or late evening hours if possible.
• If your dog has long, thick fur, give him a nice summer haircut.
• Keep your dog inside an air-conditioned building on the hottest days.

How to Keep Your Dog Warm in the Winter
Depending on the breed of dog, some dogs can handle cold weather better than others. Large dogs with thick hair, such as Huskies and Malamutes, are naturally able to cope with extreme cold and actually prefer colder temperatures. On the other hand, dogs with short hair and even small dogs with long hair should not be kept outside for very long if temperatures fall below freezing. Because each dog is different, it is up to you as the dog’s owner to determine how much cold your dog can handle. This can be done by simply observing your pet. If your dog is shivering, he is probably too cold and should be brought inside where it’s nice and warm.

Here are some tips for how to keep your dog warm during the winter:
• Keep your dog indoors on the coldest days.
• Provide a warm bed and/or blankets for your dog.
• Do not allow your dog to run around wet after being bathed.
• If your dog likes to play in the snow, make him come inside to warm up periodically.
• If you have a small dog, a dog with short hair, or a dog that shivers a lot, consider buying him a sweater.

Just remember.... If you are hot, your dog is hot. If you are cold, your dog is cold.